Hawk ID Please

Hi,   Snapped this attached picture on Sadler Street.  What kind of hawk is this?  I think it’s a Cooper’s Hawk. It swooped down on my cat.  It is eating a blue jay in this picture from our feeder (see talons). It’s about 20” tall.  Thanks! Kim Frashure


12 thoughts on “Hawk ID Please

  1. I think you’re correct. An adult Cooper’s Hawk has a black cap and you’re bird does. What a photo! Awesome for us to see, not so much for it’s lunch. Thanks for the post.


  2. It is often difficult for even an advanced bird watcher to distinguish between a Sharp-shinned Hawk and a Cooper’s Hawk. I recalled a great web page that I discovered when trying to ID a hawk, with tips on the differences between the two species. Looking at your photo, and because as you say, it is eating a jay, I think Cooper’s Hawk. Was it as large as a crow, or more like the size of a dove. If crow, then Cooper’s Hawk.



  3. I agree with the others… I’m 90% sure it’s a Coopers. Sharp-shinneds are quite similar and it’s easy to get them confused. Great photograph! Too bad about the jay, but I’m happy your kitty escaped unscathed!


  4. I also saw one of these pick of something from my feeder. It was a sparrow, and I was so enthralled to be watching this circle-of-life slaughter going down 5 feet in front of my eyes that I stood and watched until he got annoyed and carried his snack to a tree.


  5. It might be a Merlin, the head and beak look like it (dark tip) and it would have a horizontal striped tail. A Merlin is a falcon.


  6. I have both a Coopers and Sharp-shinned terrorizing my backyard birds. In the past I saw a Sharp-shinned (the smaller of the two) take down a pigeon, which is about the same size, and fly off with it into the woods behind my house.


  7. Hi All, Thank you for your feedback. FYI, Hawk ID from Cornell Lab of Ornithology: “The very long tail rules out a Merlin. Distinguishing between Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s is much more difficult especially without a good view of the nape or tail feathers. I believe from what I can see that the nape is pale. With an adult Sharp-shinned, I would expect to see the dark cap feathers to extend into the rear cheek a bit. I also think I can just make out tail feathers of varying lengths, which would indicate Cooper’s Hawk. Additionally, the body looks barrel-shaped and the legs look relatively thick. All are indicative of a Cooper’s Hawk.” Kim Frashure


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