Attention If You Get An Email From Me With A Single Link Dont Click On It

Its a hack.

It would say something like Hey, check this out – and then a single link. Dont click on the link

7 thoughts on “Attention If You Get An Email From Me With A Single Link Dont Click On It

  1. Never ever open anything you are not sure of, they may say our bestest friend, but make sure you look to the right side… slide you mouse over the from message and see if is really from someone you can trust and again as always, thank you Joey for pointing this out.. this is a scam that is attaching contacts and sending out as a scam.. Thanks


  2. I was really scratching my head when I got that e-mail from you….So out of character… And, yes, I did click the linky…
    Ran a sweep with the anti-virus and all seems well with the world.


  3. Recently I asked a question on the rules and other stuff regarding Eastern Point as a comment to a series of pictures from there. I got an e-mail back but didn’t answer any questions. Did I miss something. I read and really appreciate GM Gloucester each day and have sent in a few pics and have a few more, but I’m afraid I’m operating some of the links wrong. If so please fill me in and those questions I think are on the minds of all tourist and quite a few locals. Thanks


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