Simply the Best

Captain Joe and Sons lobsters are simply the best! From dock to table, you can’t get much fresher than that. Happily so for me, both Liv and Alex are home at the same time for a few days–cooking their favorite dinners and reveling in the joy and laughter that fills our home whenever they are together.

Toby Burnham

Joe Ciaramitaro

5 thoughts on “Simply the Best

  1. Thank you Kim for adding a pic of my friend Paul whom i very rarely get to see anymore. What a great man he is.


  2. Kellie Rich writes in for my caption, “Paul Cohan the one and only “Sasquatch,” singer songwriter fisherman and also famous for his smoked salmon.” Thank you Kellie!

    I feel especially bad for Donna because she was formerly able to eat lobster and now can’t because of allergies. Is there a worse allergy than that to seafood? Positively dismal situation and I am so sorry Donna.


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