Awesome New Posters are HERE!!!!

The beautiful new Motif No. 1 posters have arrived featuring a block print from Folly Cove Designer Sarah Elizabeth Holloran. This image of Motif no. 1 was used courtesy of Isabel Natti. Remember the interview Joey did with Isabel a while ago? Check the first video in the series out by clicking this link to learn about the Folly Cove Designers and Isabel’s shop, the Sarah Elizabeth shop. It’s a great story, and a few of Sarah Elizabeth’s designs are available along with Ms. Natti’s own block prints, one of which is of a herring plant that follows the whole production cycle, circa 1970s.

The Motif No. 1 Day posters were produced in a limited run, and can be purchased at for $20 each, with all proceeds going to support Motif No. 1 Day itself.

3 thoughts on “Awesome New Posters are HERE!!!!

  1. Nice to see my mother’s art work still in the public view!

    Mum was, of course, one of the original members of the Folly Cove Designers; I believe she was the youngest of the designers. After the group was disbanded, she was still young enough to want to continue on with it. She went on her own at the shop at Whistle Stop Mall around 1970, and kept the art of block printing alive. Mum was always fond of saying “The best thing to ever happen to me was when Isabel walked in the door!” It has certainly been gratifying to us to see that Isabel has continued with the block printing traditions started by Virginia Lee Burton in Folly Cove nearly seventy-five years ago, and we are so proud that Mum was the person who “connected the dots” between that generation and what Isabel is still doing today.

    – Tim Holloran


    1. Tim, I was so excited to see your comment on this post. Thanks so much for giving us a little insight into your mother’s role with the Folly Cove Designers and for allowing us to enjoy her work still. It is great to have The Sarah Elizabeth Shop still in existence (and your mom’s Acorn Press too, of course) thanks to Isabel Natti.

      Again, thank you for posting your comment.


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