Blynman Canal Bridgehouse Span Position Indicator

Blynman Canal Bridgehouse, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

This is on the huge old control board at the Cut Bridge.  Video will be coming up in a couple hours.   I’ll be releasing the pictures from inside the Control House all week long.

Blynman Canal Bridgehouse

Mike Lindberg sent in a suggestion that he would like to see the inside of the Blynman Bridge Control House.

Blynman Canal Bridgehouse, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

That was a fantastic idea!  How many of us have driven past the Cut Bridge Control House all our lives but never been privy to the inside equipment and people that run it.
Check out how old and beautiful that control board is. Classic!
I had a “Wizard of Oz” moment after stepping inside for my interview and forthcoming video series with Steve Lake- “The Wizard” who was kind enough to let me in and show us around.

You asked- GMG Delivers Baby!

Look for the first part of the video series tomorrow morning.

Blynman Canal Bridgehouse Operator Steve Lake

Mike Lindberg, you asked yesterday to get some footage inside the Blynman Canal Bridge Operator House.

You got it.   Look for the video series all next week with pictures!