Today’s papers: Gloucester Police Chief

Boston Globe  and  Gloucester Daily Times- Updated excerpt:

“I have not talked to them,” Campanello said of the administration. “All I can say is I will cooperate fully with what they have going until the conclusion of it. I will abide by whatever they want me to do. And I look forward to getting back to work.

“I think being in a public position and being thrust into the spotlight in these last 15 months, you have to expect this sort of thing,” he said, referring to the time line of the angel program. “You have to expect it will get the attention not only of supporters, but also of people who want to strike it down and maybe take it personally.”






4 thoughts on “Today’s papers: Gloucester Police Chief

  1. I have been so impressed with Chief Campanello so first and foremost I hope there is nothing to this “investigation”. Secondly I sure hope it’s not some type of vendetta or witch hunt. Why all the secrecy? Does the public have a right to know at least categorically what this is about? This is sad no matter what the outcome.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So odd! Am surprised they can place him on leave (when he is already on paid vacation?!) without telling him why. I, too, hope this amounts to nothing and that those who have placed this mystery scarlet letter upon the chief have not done this without very good reason. Bravo to Chief Campanello for all he has done thus far, and fingers crossed that whatever happened does not overshadow or impede the progress of the angel program! Love to all involved!


  3. Hoping this is all going to be cleared up and the chief can go back to work. I think he has brought a new professionalism to the department that was sorely lacking. And I am not even including his work with the Angel program in my evealuation.


  4. I can say he is well know in law enforcement channels both nationwide and international for the Angel program…There is a very special place for Gloucester Police in My heart and will always be there for them as they were for our family in it’s time of need.

    I must confess now as lads we were the ones who called you guys about someone placing lobster pots close to lanes cove Duly street side across the dirt road with permission of owner…rascals indeed. Lanesville in the 60’s Art Jake Sgt, would have caught me if I did not hide in the big wooden fish bait barrel yes it was a Halloween prank.

    I do believe the statue of limitations is up on this one! Sorry stay safe!


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