Cornelius HauckI adore my father-in-law, especially for his wit and sense of humor. He and my mother-in-law are here visiting for the week for my husband Tom’s 60th birthday. My father-in-law will be NINETY next May 5th. During dinner several nights ago he told us that he belongs to a club that meets every Friday for lunch. They call themselves the ROMEOs, an acronym for Really Old Men Eating Out. They go to each other’s clubs, drink a great deal, and eat fun appetizers such as water chestnuts wrapped in bacon and pigs-in-a-blanket, but then are usually too toasted to actually eat lunch. When I’m ninety I hope to have as much joie de vivre as does he!

11 thoughts on “The ROMEOs

  1. Is that a group that meets in New Hampshire? Exeter, Stratham, Newmarket area? I’ve heard of one there with Chris Lima! great GUY AND SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT GROUP!!


  2. This is great and you are right he looks to be in great shape here – my Uncle Jack from Gloucester off of main by police station lived to be 105…and the foods he ate very much the same, he was painting housed at 89 the fall from ladder sort of took it out of him slowed him some! 🙂 Dave & Kim:-)


  3. Hello Joey and all. What a lovely tribute to Cornelius. I’m a Cincinnati native. My interest lies with all things about the people and the place of Cincinnati. While studying to be an interpreter at the Hauck House on Dayton Street in the early 90’s, I had the wonderful pleasure to meet ‘Cornie’ as he implored us to call him. Mr. Hauck sat down at the table with us, and through his knowledge and happiest ever disposition, we learned much about the personality and history of the Hauck family. I’d met Cornelius Hauck senior, bow tie and happiest smile at 9 am strolling down 5th Street in his seersucker, past our plate glass windows like he’d just come back from a holiday in Jamaica (when really he was just coming to and from his office). I was a young mom at the time….and became increasingly interested in Cincinnati history and went back to school getting a degree in Museum Studies. I owe much to the elegant and down-to-earth engagement these two Hauck family members lent freely to the public, and those fortunate enough to sit down at a table with. If ‘Cornie’ is around, let him know, I for one, not only remember him, but owe much to the legacy he and his family have given to Cincinnati. I drive through ‘Sooty Acres’ often, just for the sheer pleasure of doing so. Thank you!

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