The United States Coast Guard Barque EAGLE’s eagle was carved by local Rockport Marine Architect and Artist, Robert Lee Perry, in 1976

Betsy Works forwards
Hi Joey,

I had the privilege of visiting Rockport Marine Architect and Artist,
Bob Perry, as he was putting the finishing touches of small gold leaf
detail on this enormous and magnificent eagle sculpture which he was commissioned to create for The United States Coast Guard Barque EAGLE.

"The United States Coast Guard Barque EAGLE’s
eagle was carved by Robert Lee Perry in 1976 from
Brazilian mahogany, replacing a fiberglass version;
3340 pounds, thirteen feet long."
(Source: Facebook post by Tim Sullivan Photography)

Cape Ann folks should know we have a great
local connection to The USCG Barque Eagle and see
closely Robert Perry’s "Eagle" masterpiece sculpture


4 thoughts on “The United States Coast Guard Barque EAGLE’s eagle was carved by local Rockport Marine Architect and Artist, Robert Lee Perry, in 1976

  1. awesome…we went on a tour of the Eagle today it was beautiful …my kids pointed to the enormous Eagle sculpture right excited share this news with them..Cape Ann is an amazing place with lots of amazing and talented people.
    Thanks for sharing


  2. This is something that is absolutely amazing to see. Robert Lee Perry was my great grandfather and seeing that the figurehead is still around is incredible! I hope to take my children to see this one day, never having seen this myself, I am sure that the day that I actually see this in person will be an emotional one. Robert, or Bumpa as I called him is one of my heroes and it is wonderful knowing that his work has not only made an impact but is still around for my children and hopefully grandchildren to see even though he has been gone a long time now. Thank you for sharing this, it really warmed my heart.


    1. That brings back some great memories, Robert perry was my grand father I was there when he was carving the eagle and when the eagle hosted the america cup races in Newport r.I. my mother is Shelby perry Roberts oldest and only daughter


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