Twinge Worthy

As a continued tribute to Back-to-School Week, I have found some inspiring examples of why we all need school in the first place.

While some of these messages are funny, and some are mildly inappropriate (I apologize), some just flat out make me twitch!


Colton High School takes the cake though with its expensive and permanent misspelled signage.  Congratulations to you all (not, for the record, congradulations).

Does anyone double check their spelling (or, even more embarrassing, their phrasing) anymore? Sign all of the responsible parties up for a lesson on homophones immediately!  It isn’t hard, people!  To, too, two.   There, their, they’re.  It is truly more than I can handle.



10 thoughts on “Twinge Worthy

  1. um, Nicole, I am assuming you meant “cringe” worthy, yes? Or did these errors actually cause you to feel a sudden sharp local pain?


    1. Nope! I actually wrote “Cringe worthy ” first, but it simply didn’t do my feelings justice! Twinge can be used as a noun or a verb…as I’m sure you know! Good job though…as cringe does dound better.


      1. Well, Nicole, I don’t know what dictionary you’re using, but according to Merriam-Webster, twinge is only a verb, meaning:

        1. to pluck or tweak

        2. to affect with a sharp pain or pang


        1. For whatever it is worth…
          Twinge as a noun = A sudden and usually slight pain or a sudden slight feeling or emotion.

          Like, “he felt a twinge of jealousy” or “a twinge of pain in his elbow.”


  2. Alas, there are examples on GMG all too often (including today). Someone’s English teachers must be embarrassed.


    1. Our local High School installed one of those marquis-type signs, and the first message posted on it read, “Save Your Pennies For Project Adventure”.

      I remember being tickled for some unrealized reason about the message, then one day it hit me….. A simple rearranging of the letters, in great haste and a lot of nervous giggling, and it was set right.

      The administration didn’t notice for two weeks in August, but all hell broke loose the first day of school when the kids got off the bus in hysterics.

      “Save Your Penis For Project Adventure”, is a pretty compelling challenge.

      They immediately installed a locking plexiglass cover over the sign, and launched a witch hunt. The kids were all grilled for information as to the perpetrator, and threats were delivered. Many of them took credit for it among their friends, but when my niece found the plastic letters “N” and “E” in the back of my Jeep a year later, the jig was up.

      Sadly, I was 30 years old at the time, and it proved that my development is arrested. A “tee-hee” moment for me, and an Adventure for all.

      Liked by 1 person

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