A Deliberate Act of Kindness

Peggy Russell, owner of the POP Gallery across the street, delivered this homemade soup to me, knowing that I wasn't feeling so great. All natural, and full of delicious vegetables, as you can see. After heating, I ate it all. Thanks Peg, it's nice to know there are people like you loose on this planet.
Peggy Russell, owner of the POP Gallery across the street, delivered this homemade soup to me, knowing that I wasn’t feeling so great. All natural, and full of delicious vegetables, as you can see. After heating, I ate it all. Thanks Peg, it’s nice to know there are people like you loose on this planet.

3 thoughts on “A Deliberate Act of Kindness

  1. Fred wishing you a speedy recovery and This post made my day – Partial quote From Kent Nerbun -(The Cab Ride I’ll Never Forget)!
    Posted: 05/03/12 Read more-
    “We were like strangers on a train, the passengers and I, hurtling through the night, revealing intimacies we would never have dreamed of sharing during the brighter light of day. I encountered people whose lives amazed me, ennobled me, made me laugh and made me weep. And none of those lives touched me more than that of a woman I picked up late on a warm August night.


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