The Blades are turning

The first video I put up was not the one I took, Youtube tried to fix something and it made it look wabbly.  Trying this again.  The noise you hear in the background is not the turbines, it is a compressor at Good Harbor Filet.  Sorry about the first one.

4 thoughts on “The Blades are turning

    1. Thanks Fred, the first one look fine on my computer but when I looked at it again, it was very wabbly, Youtube did a fix and probably could not do the spinning correctly. New rule for me, Do not use the fix in Youtube. Thank you again.


  1. I have to say I am really surprised by how enormous they are. I was thinking about all the years before I moved here – I would make the hour long trek to spend a few hours here just to absorb the natural untouched beauty of Gloucester and rockport…that me and I have to say the resident in me cannot believe these were approved. I am all for green everything but this changes the landscape dramatically and I wonder if I would still be coming here for the beauty like I used to if I didn’t live here. Had my chin up all along but had to speak my peace now that they are in my face every day! Just sayin. 😉


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