Guest Post From The Bean: Skitter The Hamster


Originally posted on The Bean’s World


I got Skitter the hamster at the pet store.  He did not live long.  He only lived three months but I enjoyed his life in his cage.

We buried him when he died.

Now I will tell you about when he snuck out of his cage for one week.

We found him a week later in the vacuum cleaner.

We did not tell Dad because he would get mad.  My mom saran wrapped his cage and stuck the vacuum cleaner inside and then my grandfather took some net and wrapped it around skitter’s cage.

The end.

6 thoughts on “Guest Post From The Bean: Skitter The Hamster

  1. Thank you Eloise for sharing Skitter’s story. I am so sorry he died but I am sure he knows you loved him very much.

    A happy thought for you–I saw TEN Monarchs last week, not too far from here. I told them to hurry up and fly south before the hurricane arrived!

    Did you make your Dad a birthday card? If you did, take a picture and post it on your blog; we would love to see it!


  2. So sorry Bean about your hamster. They are talented and yours was pretty amazing to realize it could make a nest within the vacuum cleaner. Though he died,he died proudly winning the most imaginative place to nest. Our cat Spodie would sit on our hamster cage watching one of my daughters hamster Herbie,who she named after her Papa . Spodie was enchanted with Herbie. The one time Spodie went to eat during the night hours,Herbie pawed his way out and was found nearly 2 weeks later.He looked like he died peacefully by the motor of our fridge. I am sorry for you loss. Hugs Gma


  3. We had hamesters as well. They are little escape artists, Kiwi, the name of the hamester that always escaped, so I put peanut butter out near the kitchen and as Rick and I were going to bed, Rick in his underwear is on the floor looking under the stove and there was Kiwi… My engineer husband looking for little Kiwi.


  4. Hello Bean,

    I really liked your story about Skitter. I wanted to say I’m sorry that even though Skitter wasn’t with your family for very long, I’m sure he knew how much you loved him. That’s the cool thing about our pets: we really, really love them, and somehow they know that and really, really love us back. I think when they “escape,” they’re not running away; maybe they’re actually just being curious and are trying to explore this big old world – just like us. So I hope you have happy thoughts and memories of your Brave Explorer Hamster Skitter. He sounds like he found the right place when you brought him home from the pet store – and you gave him a great name too! Keep Skitter in your heart, Bean.


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