10 thoughts on “Life on the Dock or….

  1. I’m glad to see that he’s making good use of his gift chair. Or at least it looks like the one that was abandoned nearby.


    1. Hi Felicia: That’s a gift, and I know Joey has been out straight all summer. I once booked an overnight passage from Portland to Nova Scotia, with no cabin or anything, and slept on the steel deck under a pinball machine, so I’d be out of the way. At one point, I opened my eyes and saw the game being played above me thru the plexiglass bottom of the machine. Unfortunately, some people can’t sleep under the best of conditions, no matter how tired they are.


  2. A well deserved siesta! You should do that daily! Thanks for many years of the best blog out there which , through your efforts, has brought Gloucester tremendous success as a tourist destination. Amazing what can be done “thru the lens”. And kudos to your colleagues who back you up 24-7!


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