Things To Do- Boston Derby Dames Roller Derby

I don’t know about you but I would love to go to this event.   Karen Conant AKA “Krush Puppy”  is a local who is a Jammer/blocker for the Boston Massacre.   For more info click the banner above to go to the Boston Derby Dames website.

GMG Q&A -Kate Seidman

Kate Seidman runs The art Room on Center Street.  Her funky little boutique is packed with beautiful hand crafted clothing, art and jewelry.

I have a local website:

How long have you lived in Gloucester?

31 years this august

What is your favorite season In Gloucester?


Do you have any secret outdoor spots in Gloucester where you go to “get away”?

Steel Derrick quarry

What is your favorite pizza joint in Gloucester?


What is your favorite sub shop in Gloucester?


What place would you go for a romantic dinner in Gloucester?


What is your favorite bar in Gloucester?

Halibut Point Restaurant

What is your favorite breakfast joint in Gloucester?

Two Sisters

What is your favorite local event in Gloucester?

Now, The block parties

In the summer do you prefer the beach or to be on a boat?


Who is your favorite local artist?

I have several, Paul Cary Goldberg, Ruth Mordecai, Kurt Ankeny

Which is your favorite local beach?

Good Harbor

Who makes the best burger in town?


Who has the best chowder in town?

Halibut Point

Excluding GMG what is your second favorite local blog?

Don’t know

Do you prefer haddock chowder or clam chowder?

Clam Chowder

What were your thoughts on The Downtown Block Parties last year?

They are fantastic, have one every weekend all summer starting in May.

What is your favorite local band?

Linda Amero

Thanks Joey,
This was fun,

You can also view videos shot at The Art room here and here

Greenheads Brings In $640 For The Russo Fund

Last nights presentation of Greenheads at Cape Ann Community Cinema brought in an additional $640 for the Children of Matteo Russo Fund.  It was through the generosity of Robert Newton and Gordon Baird  who presented the movie with the purpose of donating to this great cause and the people that turned out to support it.

Spend Friday Night With Hooglio & Don White!

with special guest Hooglio
Friday, February 20th @ 8:00pm (doors 7:15pm)
The Cape Ann Community Cinema (at Gloucester Stage)
267 East Main Street * East Gloucester * 978/309-8448

Click for video and reserve tickets.
Click for video and reserve tickets.

If you laugh and cry within the same ten minutes, you either need a vacation or you are sitting in the audience at a Don White show. This working class family man from Lynn, Massachusetts has emerged as the thoughtful songwriter of the decade whose relevance to our lives is evidenced by the powerful reaction he evokes at every concert. Come join us for this special night of live entertainment, with opening act and local favorite, Hooglio, who will row in all the way from his native Flustuania just for the show, during which he will spin comic musical tales of his beloved country.

Tickets are $15.00, and are available either online or at the box office on the night of the show.

“The audience went crazy for him. He’s by far the best new performer I’ve
seen in a long, long time. Believe me, he’s got it!” -Christine Lavin


Visit Hooglio's site.
Visit Hooglio’s site.

Gloucester Gas Prices

The Cape Ann Gas Price Website Is No Longer.  I found a new one from that has a limited amount of participating gas stations with current Gloucester Gas Prices

So the link in the blogroll to the right has this link for your reference once this post heads down off the page over time.

Gloucester Gas Prices

I jotted down some of the gas prices at local stations this morning 2/19/09 at 5:00AM

Here you go-

US Petroleum 2.099,2.199,2.299

Tally’s Washington Sq 1.999,2.159,2.299

Flanagan Square Service Station 1.959,2.099,2.159

Hess Self Serve 1.979,2.079,2.099

East Gloucester Richdale 1.999, 2.099,2.199

Interesting that the cheapest gas in town is also full serve at Flanagan Square.  Why anyone would pump their own gas and pay more to do it is beyond me.

If any of our readers drive through other parts of town and would like to update the gas station prices, feel free to do so in the comments under this post.

Joe Grillo’s Net Profit

Joe Grillo bought the Net Profit.  His old boat The Wanderer was old, tired and slow as molasses.  To say that Joe is happy about the upgrade would be an understatement.  Video at 8:00AM

The Net Profit

Joe Grillo’s Net Profit, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

The Wanderer

Do you see the buoys on the old Wanderer’s antenna and the Net Profit?  The same, red on top, yellow on the bottom- Joe Grillo’s buoy colors!