Alchemy Kobe Burger- It Didn’t Suck

Thanks George Kauss for the recommendation!

15 thoughts on “Alchemy Kobe Burger- It Didn’t Suck

  1. I sent the picture to a friend in New Hampshire. I said to her, no lobster this time, how about the Burger? She replied, HOW ABOUT OPEN HEART SURGERY? Since I am already the ecipient of a recentaly installed pacemaker, I think I too shall have to pass but, it sure does look good to me ; kind like a forbidden fruit.


  2. the picture was certainly a tribute to the mighty burger…….but why, in heavens name, does one have to use such a common, slightly vulgar word as ” didn’t suck” to describe it.? i love your blogs, but why revert to such base forms of description.


    1. It’s who I am. slightly vulgar. Thanks for the kind words.
      I guess I ought to write a disclaimer and stick it up top instead of having to defend myself every time someone has a problem with the language i use.
      For every person who calls me out for salty language I have four that tell me not to change a thing.
      Even if it were four that told me to change and one that I shouldn’t, I wouldn’t turn this into a vanilla site.

      There are some very very good websites people can visit if they want the pg Gloucester, this isn’t one of them.


    2. In the 1981 movie Arthur, that’s 30 years ago and it wasn’t X-rated, the was a great exchange between Arthur (Dudley Moore) and Linda (Liza Minnelli)…

      Arthur: Have you been on a yacht?

      Linda: No, is it wonderful?

      Arthur: It doesn’t suck!


  3. joey, thanks for taking the time to reply. i never meant to offend you. i’m fairly new to your blog and now that i’ve gotten the tone of it i understand your use of words better. thank you for being a “genuine person” in this day and age there are too many hypocrites. i will continue to read your blogs, and enjoy them. in reference to the person that quoted an old arthur movie that reminded me of a quote that i read during the beginnings of the murdock hacking scandal “only the brits can say sh– and make it sound like shakespeare!! thanks again!


    1. Not offended emily, and I appreciate your response as well.
      I really ought to write out the disclaimer so I can simply point folks to it instead of writing it out over and over again.

      happy to have you aboard. 🙂


    1. omg!! i never thought that there would be so much activity in reaction to a burger comment!! kathleen, i did not scold joey in my first reply (did you happen to read the second one?) i simply made a statement….i didn’t even know that the wording came from joey…thought it was from someone that sent in a burger-blog! i just ordered two of your books,and trying to get a third. mia culpa, kathleen…let’s all get on with our lives. joey, sorry this whole thing has taken a little twist.


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