Chickity Check It!- Broadcastr- sent in by Jo-Ann Castano


Hi Joey,

Got a story?

This looked like it might be right up your "port" and may interest your readership.  It’s a fun site to globally

explore peoples stories. I love hearing people tell stories. From New York City, I’ve listened to a group of poets

who broadcast their readings.  I’ve traveled to India and listened to writers sounding much like one of

those NPR life stories from each place traveled along the road, telling a story, an experience in  an exotic

place maybe experiencing a culture shock.  Those can be pretty wild and eye opening.

Seems like a great place for poets, writers, musicians, artists, cultural groups and individuals to establish a station

and tell stories of Cape Ann, places to visit, food to eat, cultural adventures, history and life on Cape Ann.  Your

account (free) lets you upload an image as well as broadcast list and link to your web site or social media. It’s still

in beta but I’ve had fun exploring it. 

Here’s the content from their "About" page: 



is a Social Media platform for location-based stories. It enables the recording, indexing, listening, and sharing of audio content. Just like in human memory, every story is bound to a place.

Whether dishing last night’s details to friends, uncovering local lore, perusing restaurant reviews, listening to travel guides, tuning in to citizen journalism, contemplating oral histories, or sharing hilarious anecdotes, Broadcastr amplifies all our voices. Users can take a GPS-enabled walk as stories about their surroundings stream into their headphones, like a museum tour of the entire world. Users can record their own content, create playlists, follow their friends, and share on Facebook.

Broadcastr is currently in beta. The beta will allow us to optimize the application’s performance, streamline the interface and design, and incorporate your feedback to ensure that Broadcastr creates an excellent user experience.You can help us by notifying us of bugs or glitches. Email us at or give feedback at our Beta Blog.

Need some help? To view instructional videos on how to use Broadcastr, click HERE.

Broadcastr, Inc.

Best to you Joey and all your good GMG  crazy cast of contributors,


Jo-Ann Castano

Castano Design Associates/ArtsGloucester

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