Jim Hughes Funky Lobster Claw

Hi Joey,

   An interesting event happened last night at our neighbors Lobster party. They went to a market here in Naples and asked for 9-1 1/2 pound lobsters. They were given 2 bags full of Lobsters and brought them home.  As they were cooking, this claw was noticed. Apparently, something under the sea also has a craving for this fine meat. All they got of this one was a bite, and the bite had grown over with a dark hard shell. I’m sure that you have seen this a lot, but it was a first for us. It made a great conversation piece.

Jim Hughes


3 thoughts on “Jim Hughes Funky Lobster Claw

  1. Didin’t look to good to me. I have never seen one looking like that get sold. I think I would rather get a cull instead of looking at that claw. Good Grief. If I ever got one like that I would turn it into a cull real quick.


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