Lily Represents at today’s high tide walk!

Ok, so maybe Lily isn’t swimming in the high tide in a bikini and January with the ice floes, but she is representing!

Lily represents with the heavy equipment replacing the sea wall on the causeway in Essex…….

She walks the line, and represents!

And Lily has her “sticka”………………she can park here!

Not too much launching ramp business today in Essex

I think that red dumpster at Essex Marina across the way might be floating!

That dog walks on water!

Would be easy to launch a new schooner today, Harold–I think the water is IN the building!

Today’s view from the bridge across the causeway

So glad Lily and I shoveled out so we could drive down town and check out today’s scenery.  I remember walking down to the causeway from the other side of town when I was a little girl and lived in “South Essex.”   Lil thought it was “so cool” to go down there, walk in the middle of the road and see Mother Nature in action!

Here’s to Snow Days!

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